Friday, January 30, 2009

HYC - Week 4 - Take the bad with the good...

This past week wasn't my greatest week. I gained 1.4lbs, which considering some of the stuff I ate isn't to bad. Im finding that when Im out at restaurants its really hard to make good choices. I think first of all there isnt that many healthy options, and also that I feel a little rushed so just make a quick decision, which is usually an unhealthy one. I also have been indulging in the fruity, ice cream alcoholic drinks, which we all know is not a smart choice!

So Im on a mission. To conquer eating out. Well maybe not conquer it just yet, but at least make some strides in being successful in my choices. I plan to research restaurants online before I get there. I will have more time to find a healthier options. I also plan to make up my own meal. I don't necessarily have to chose what they have on the menu, I can mix and match. I also am putting a stop to the fruity drinks. If I want, I can enjoy a lite beer. If you have any other suggestions on how to be successful eating out, Id love to hear them!

I mentioned before how I am doing a support group in regards to my healthy lifestyle with some friends as well. Well when you gain weight you get a pig sticker on our graph. I got one this week, and 2 other girls did to. We have made a pact that when we are out together we are to help each other make healthier choices, we were doing the complete opposite!

So Ill have good weeks, and Ill have bad weeks. Its just part of the game. Its what I do after those bad days, and bad weeks that matter. Brush myself off, and keep on moving. The bad eating went hand in hand with lack of exercise last week, so I have committed to only 2 rest days, no matter what this week. Re-focusing, its gets a little bit easier every time ;)


Anonymous said...

I love the pact you have with your friends and the pig sticker idea, so funny! :)

For me, it wasn't restaurant eating because I rarely get to do that lol...but it was fast food and I was able to conquer it. Once you get used to not having it, its easier!

Good luck on your new goals and don't let the weight gain get you down!

megan said...

I have the same problem, Melissa. I've been treating every meal out like a "special" meal where I can splurge. But I usually eat out at least twice a week! I can't splurge that much! So I'm trying to focus on eating healthy at restaurants except for one nicer meal. Being good all week is only balancing out how awful I am every weekend.

For drinks, I usually go with wine because it gives me less hangover. Vodka or gin with soda is a great low cal choice. I love a vodka soda with a splash of cranberry. :) Or a vanilla vodka with diet coke for a little caffeine.

Good luck, you can do it! :)