Sunday, December 27, 2009

And so time has gotten away again...

Im really slacking on this blog thing lately. I think a lot of thoughts that were going through my head felt safe in my head. And I didnt want to devote the time to getting them out of my head either. But one of the steps to healthy lifestyle and healing is journaling. So I have promised to myself to try to blog a bit more. Even if its just a small paragraph here or there. Its good to get things out, and nice to reflect back on.

I have ditched the holiday blog design, and found one that Grant so nicely modified for me. He added in a wedding picture and took out some filagree. The design is a little fuzzy, especially the circles in the header...but it will do for now. Id like to devote time to a new design in the future, one that I will complete. Instead of running to Grant to do it since hes so much faster at it than me. :p

I started sorting through some of the wedding pictures tonight, so hopefully can blog some of them in the near future. Our Trash The Dress pictures should be available in about a week. Im very, very anxious to see them!!!!

But right now I can barely keep my eyes open, so off to bed I go. Night!