Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Picture Tag

So Megan tagged me a few days ago, and Im just now getting around to it :) The game goes like this....go to your 4th folder (where your pictures are stored) and find the 4th picture….and post it. then explain it.

Well there you see my great photography skills :p This was one of the best nights of my life, because it was the night I got engaged!!!! Grant and I just came home from a wonderful week long vacation in Arizona, and had a concert the night we got back in town. It was the Newton Faulkner concert, and just happened to be on my birthday to. I tried to capture a few shots of Newton, but with the lighting I wasnt so successful. As you can see! LOL

Just shortly after this picture was taking, Grant pulled me to the side during the song Dream Catch Me, said a very sweet speech, and popped the question :) I was so lucky to meet Newton Faulkner a few months later and tell him the news. Which he thought was pretty cool :)

P.S. Thanks Megan, I was just thinking about what I should blog about tonight....and no tagging since I dont think I have that many readers. LOL

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