Monday, January 12, 2009

HYC Week 2 - Focus

Another week has gone by, and I lost .80. Its all good. Something is better than nothing! I was fighting off a cold this week, so stayed home from work for a few days. And thats always an eating disaster. I finally got to offset the bad eating with a few workouts on the weekend, so was happy the way the week ended.

There is a new LA Fitness opening a few miles from my house. I went and checked out what I could (just a small office is open with billboards of the facility), and the rates are great. I wasnt sticker shocked at all! Im going to wait a few more weeks and see if they give even better rates. But defitenly signing up. This facility is HUGE! Swimming pool, 2 floors of cardio and weight machines, basketball court, aerobic room, spinning has its own room, and 3 or 4 racquet ball courts. No contract, and all classes are included in the monthly price. Sweet! Im super excited about the grand opening, which isnt for another month. So to tie me over till than, I picked up the Jillian Michaels DVD - 30 Day Shred. Ive heard some great reviews on this DVD, and always love a good Jillian workout.

This DVD has 3 levels, 2o minute workout on each level. You start at level one and when you feel your ready move on to level 2. Its only a 2o minute workout but its a high intensity circuit style workout. Each level has 3 circuits. 3 minutes of strengthening, 2 minutes of cardio, and 1 minute of abs. And she doesnt let you rest either! I started it today, and I made it through level 1, panting but I made it :) Im excited to move on to level 2 in the upcoming weeks!

Wedding dress I COME!

Im still struggling with my food, but Im definitely more aware of my choices. And taking baby steps everyday. Being conscious of what I put in my mouth, and being held accountable for it definitely helps! I got ripped a good one at our Sunday weigh in. Tough love by some friends, got to love it. Im so not being the one who gets put on blast next week!

I can feel that fire building in me. Im feeling motivated, and looking forward to a healthy year! I havent felt this in a long time, so I hope its here to stay. At least for a little while :)

1 comment:

Journo June aka MamaBear said...

I know you can do it! You have the best attitude and determination. Cool on the new fitness center.
Path to Health