Tuesday, January 20, 2009

HYC - Week 3 - Realizations

I had a FANTASTIC week! One of those weeks where you are pumped to jump on that scale. And it was down 2.4 pounds. WOOHOO! I really focused this week - on what I ate, and consistency on my workouts. And it paid off.

Ive come to a few realizations this week. Things I knew in the back of my head, but either was ignoring them, or maybe didnt truly believe them. The first one is exercising definitely helps depression. I would say that I currently have a mild case of depression that phases in and out from day to day. Usually Im depressed so dont want to work out. Id rather just be depressed. Well this week I really focused, and said I can give a 20 minute workout. It is just 20 minutes. So Ive been doing the Jillian Michaels DVD 30 Day Shred, that I talked about last week. (Im ready to move to level 2 today, by the way...traveling pushups here I come!) She really pushes you hard in those 20 minutes and I think its just what I needed. I worked out 5 times last week, and could feel how happy I was each day. It was really noticeable because Ill admit, happiness is not a thing I feel often these days. I like that feeling, so I wanted to do the workouts each day. I also liked being pushed by Jillian so I looked forward to trying harder with each workout. The crazy thing is I knew this is what exercise would do, but avoided it. Taking control of my happiness, that is exactly what Im doing. Being sad all the time can be exhausting.

Another thing I realized this week is support is a partial factor to my success. I need the accountability. I also need the tough love. And I got just that! Ill never eat another tator tot in my life! I got reamed a good one on that! When I have to report in what Im eating, my workouts, and what I weigh...it definitely is making the world of difference. Just being able to talk to friends about my struggles, and hear they are having the same struggles is really helpful. Also hearing what works for one person, and how it may just work for me is a bonus. Im so thankful for the support I have during this journey, because it definitely keeps me going on those bad days!

I havent felt this geeked about exercising and eating in a long time. It feels awesome. I cant wait to see what the upcoming weeks bring. Hopefully melted snow and warmer temps so I can start running outside! That half marathon is coming up sooner than I think! And I have a time to beat!

While the last 8 months have been a whirlwind of emotions, I have definitely fallen off track. On my mental and physical health. Enough is enough. Its time to take back control. I deserve to be happy, and my dad would want that! Sure Ill have pitfalls along the way, but Ill just brush myself off and go back at it again. Growth...its an amazing thing, dont you think?


Journo June aka MamaBear said...

That's awesome! So glad you had a good week and discovered the exercise antidote to depression. It can be hard to get yourself out of that cycle, so good for you!
Path to Health

Mary - A Merry Life said...

Thats great! I am so glad you had a fantastic week. Those are some great realizations you came to, especially the exercise helping with depression. It really does help!