Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Michigan Winter - Bleh!

So Winter is upon us, and I can accept that. It does come every year, so its not like woah where did this come from?

Now last winter was very, very mild. I remember that I ran outside the entire winter, and not once thought it was to cold where I couldnt breathe, or the snow derailed me from my runs. This year totally different story. Its like 10 times the opposite of last year, and Im not liking it one bit.

Ive never been much of a winter person. I hibernate in the winter. Im very happy inside, snuggled under a blanket, with a cup of peppermint hot chocolate. Or Baileys on the rocks :p When people say what about winter sports? I chuckle and say, nope thats not for me. Im fine just staying right inside in the warmth. Skiing? Great Ill hang out by the fireplace in the cabin. LOL Although a few friends are trying to get me out there this lets see how successful they are!

Now the cold temps, I can handle. Layer, and invest in warm winter clothes and your all set. Snow, I dont mind. Sure its annoying when your at the end of March and its still snowing. Heck sometimes its even May! But I can appreciate the snow. I love the watching a snowfall, especially the big fluffy flakes. And I dont mind driving it to much, as long as Im not driving long distance. The snow and cold together is nice sometimes. Makes the cold a little bit more manageable.

But what I cant handle is what is happening now. These freezing temperatures with the snow falling and causing icy conditions. Ice, now that is something I hate! Today it got to -12 at one point, but for the most stayed right around 1 or 2 degrees. The snow was that light slow snow, that looks like it wouldnt cause much. Unless the temps are freezing. Than it makes for a very slick situation. So as I drove home on a sheet of ice, I white knuckled it all the way home. It took me over an hour to drive a 15 minute route. By the time I got home, I only had time to literally throw something in my mouth for dinner, and than head back out to class. A 10 minute drive that took 40 minutes. On the way home it wasnt as bad, but as you were driving on the freeway you could see the tracks of ice, and there was no avoiding it. So as you slowly work your way home you can feel your tires being pulled left and right from the ice. Its nerve wrecking!

And to think, its only mid January! Oy, its going to be a long WINTER!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's so cold everywhere. Even in Atlanta, our low tonight is supposed to be 11.