Sunday, November 30, 2008

Finally Going Back To School

So after a much to long hiatus, I have officially registered for classes in January. It has been 3 years since I took my last class. Do you realize what I could have accomplished in 3 years? I could be almost done with my bachelors. Its sad, isnt it? Embarrassing to.

Most of the problem for not going in 3 years is that I was paying off a tuition bill. I couldn't register for classes until it was paid off. I have the Indian tuition waiver, which pays 100% of my tuition. And I ended up dropping my classes one semester due to some personal problems, which left me with a big surprise. I had to pay for my classes due to guidelines at the financial aid at the university. Not such a smart choice when your attending U of M Dearborn. So since Im always so poor, it took me a couple years to pay off 3 classes. Ugh.

Well that bill is paid off, and now Im at it again. Im still torn on so many things when it comes to my education. Right now Im really interested in this interior design program, but its only an associates degree. And I feel like I need a bachelors to really succeed. Not sure if that is implemented in my head from society, or in reality 4 years from now I really will need one. This program has an internship and employment placement is pretty high. The associates interior design program will take about 3 years. If I wanted to continue on to get a bachelors that would probably take another 3-4 more years. Than Im torn on just finishing up my BBA. Now if I continue on with my BBA, I could probably finish in 4.5 years. So it would be shorter amount of time. But to be honest it completely bores me. Which is why after 10 years on and off, its still not done.

Im 28 years old, shouldn't I know what I want to do?!

So right now I plan on taking prereqs. There is a few semester worths that I still need, and Im going to throw in a few design classes as well as the intro to interior design class. Maybe by next fall Ill have a better idea of what I want. Or not. lol I do have to say Im in a better state of mind than I was a few years ago, to try to figure out what I may want...even though as you can tell from this post it does sound like the complete opposite. :p

I did go to the interior design program open house, and it really got me excited. I talked to some of the students in the program and got to check out their work. I loved it. And the students felt like people just like me, which Ive always felt like I would be an odd ball out in any art like classes. Ive taken a few and have felt like I was the only one struggling through the classes. This program is a less competitive, and there is tons of help along the way. One of the students was telling me how she thought maybe it wouldn't be for her, but there is so much help and really no one is left behind. You focus on more residential type stuff vs a larger university would be more commercial. The director was talking to me and saying how she preferred the residential type. You work with everyday people, and help them make a space they love. I love that feeling. That feel good work feeling :) Which is why I love selling lia sophia jewelry. Its a feel good business :) And design is just so much fun, and rewarding when your done!

I want to release my creativity, something I feel I dont do know at my current job. Although I do second guess myself all the I really have the creativity or at least some talent to do Interior Design? Or is this just some dream that is meant to stay a dream? Than sometimes I just wonder if Im a fit for business, or if Im just trying to make the "smart" choice. Business is not that interesting to me, but it seems like it would be the most safe choice. Than I think about the long time its going to take..and I know that we will be starting a family in a few years so think about how that will set me back a few more years. Maybe I need to find a life coach for a little Or maybe I need to stop the self critical comments, and just take the risk and go with it. I may be surprised with the results. And if Im not, at least I tried, right?

So this January Ill finally be back in school. Ill be taking two classes in January, and am pretty excited to be a student again. I will not dwell on where I should be by now, but take it one semester at at time, and just appreciate that in the end it will all be worth it.

1 comment:

Diana Swallow said...

If its any consolation, I've been through two careers and I'm currently trying to decide what to do for my third! The fun is just beginning. Good luck!

BTW, I love your furbaby photos!!