Thursday, October 30, 2008

Trick Or Treat At Work

So tomorrow is Halloween. At work we are trick or treating. How fun is that? We were given these "porch lights" to hang outside our cubes. Its a picture of a porch light printed on a piece of paper. So when we want visitors to come by, we put the porch light on the outside of our cube. And everyone can walk around and trick or treat.

So we can bring in whatever treats we want. So Im sure there will be some great baked goods. But me? Yeah Im lame, I just bought candy. And speaking of candy...I cant believe how expensive it is! I spent $15 on 3 bags of candy. Thats insane. How can people afford to pass out candy at that price?! Im sure I could of picked up some tasty treats at the bakery for that much!

So while I would of liked to have some cute Halloween themed baked treats. Im just not that talented. I want people to at least eat the treats I bring. LOL I got Reese's (my favorite), skittles, starbursts, and rice crispie treats. I ran short on time tonight to. Spent 2 hours at the vet with Rusty (and still not sure what is wrong with him), and Im pretty sure Im coming down with a cold. The sinus thing is going on, achey body, and a cough is coming on. Not fun.

So do you think a lot of work will get done tomorrow as we all are dozing off at our desks while in a sugar comas?

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