Wednesday, December 3, 2008

My First Healthy You Check In - My Story

So this is my first Healthy You check in :) I was pretty excited when I discovered the Healthy You challenge. I always find that having a support group like this one, is so beneficial! This is something I definitely need right now. More than ya'll would ever know!

Also, thank you for all the warm welcomes :) I cant wait to get know all of you better, and provide support where I can!

So I have been known to be quite the yo yo dieter in my years. Ive always been overweight, and a few years back I decided to do something about it. So I joined, and went full force. In about 6 months I successfully lost 35 pounds. I was in the best shape ever. I was also training for my first Breast Cancer 3 Day walk that year. Well shortly after my walk, I kept eating like I was training but was not exercising at all. Before I knew it, I had gained back all the weight I lost and continued to put more on.

Well last year I topped off my highest weight ever at 175. For a 5'4" woman, I was really putting a risk on my health. At that time I also started to experience thyroid problems, and was diagnosed with Graves Disease. I went through a radioactive iodine treatment for the Graves disease. My thyroid was working almost 6 times above the normal level so I was to jittery to do anything, especially exercise. The treatment essentially is suppose to kill your thyroid cells through your bloodstream to either A. bring my thyroid to a normal level, or B. burn my thyroid completely out. While we were hoping it would bring it down to a normal level, I got the latter. It completely burned my thyroid out. I was than medicated with a thyroid replacement pill. And I finally was feeling somewhat normal again. Around this time I also was approved to get a breast reduction, something I had waited for most of my life.

After I was healed from the surgery, I told myself Im going to make that healthier me change. Things were starting to work better for me in the health department, and what time was better than the present. One of my goals after my surgery was to run a half marathon. So I started off a running program, couch to 5k. I ran my first 5k last Thanksgiving, than a 4 miler on NYE, than a 10k in March, and than my half in May. The running was the best exercise for me, it taught me how to love to workout. Something I didnt think was possible! lol I also felt a feeling that I never thought I would feel. And that was feeling like an athlete. A healthy me! One of the most amazing feelings ever. I lost a total a total of 40lbs at that point.

Than two weeks after my half marathon I was dealt one of the hardest things in my life. My dad passed away from a massive heart attack. While Ive been trying to heal, and go through the grieving process, its been very difficult for me. And Ive been an emotional eater most of my life, so that is one of the things I have turned to in the last 6 months. So I have found myself back in that familiar spot again. 25-30 lbs heavier than I was back in May. Ive really been trying to gain momentum and refocus myself on that healthier lifestyle I know. I definitely recognize my battle with food, and figure that if anytime to get a grip on emotional eating...this time in my life is when is the best time to conquer that.

Its really hard right now to not only dealing with the emotional eating, but not letting grief take over me. Its easy to sit in front of the couch and watch tv. Its easy to give into grief and let it consume me. But I dont want the easy way out. I dont like feeling uncomfortable in my own skin. Not only for me, but I want to do this for my dad. I need to find my way back to that healthier lifestyle road and stay there. Im tired of history repeating its self. It doesnt need to. History can stay there, in the past!

So Ive been making baby steps. I stopped running after my half with everything that happened. So I told myself I would get back into running. So I meet a friend 3 times a week to go running. Its feels great to get back into it. Although I can say, it defintely isnt as easy as riding a bike! I look forward to maybe doing another half marathon in the Spring. My eating habits have always been my downfall, and that is where I struggle the most. Sugar, fast food, and pop...3 of my very bad habits. I really want to learn how to consistently eat healthier, and want to make those healthier choices over the not so healthy choices.

So my goals this first full week into the challenge. No fast food. Sounds simple right? We shall see. I also would like to add in one toning workout in addition to my 3 running days. I took before pictures (I hate those!), measurements, and am ready to go. So healthy I come!


Anonymous said...

Life so often gets in the way of our good intentions. Part of everyones healthy journey should include discovering the inner self to continue on your journey while coping when someone hands you a pile of poo. I don't mean to sound crass.
I'm sorry about your father. You're taking steps to live a long life though and thats what he would want for you.

Lynn said...

Welcome to Healthy You! It's nice to see new people in the group, and I agree, they've been very helpful and supportive to me through this year (and soon to be more) of weight loss...

My sympathy on the loss of your dad.

Laura Jane said...

Welcome to Healthy You! Getting back into running is great, and meeting a friend certainly helps. I, too, used to run (ran two half marathons), and I'm now getting back into it. I used the couch to 5k and got up to 25 minutes of running. But I took the whole week of Thanksgiving off, so I'll have to start back a little ways. Anyway, sounds like you're doing great!