Sunday, December 21, 2008

Location & Date Are Set - Let The Planning Begin!

This weekend we got quite the snowstorm, so while being snowed in, having a broke tv (they cant come out for 10 days to fix it!) led me to what type of entertainment you ask? The interweb of course! So I dove into some wedding planning! And wouldn't you know we have made some progress. Go us! We have officially decided on a location, Sanibel Island, FL. We also decided on a date, October 14th, 2009. We figure its a Wednesday, and its just the two of us so we should be able to find someplace to have the ceremony on that day with no problem. Only 9 months, 3 weeks, and 2 days! LOL

So all weekend long I have been doing more research/planning. This stuff is fun :) Since the resorts and wedding planner have got me at a crossroads, I decided to look at dresses online. I cant believe how many I like. There is probably 3-4 traditional styles I like, and than I started looking at more simple styles and found some pretty inexpensive dresses that I LOVE. I think in the next few weeks I may go out and start trying some dresses on. Im definitely not at the weight I want to be, but at least I can get a feel for what I think looks good on me vs looks good on the models! LOL

I think I need to probably start some sort of planner so I can keep track of everything in one spot. I definitely think staying organized will mean less stress! Im debating with myself on the wedding planner thing right now. I spoke with a wedding planner that had an awesome rate, and an even better rate with a photographer...but Im not sure we will mesh together. And her professionalism was not impressive. So Ive contacted a few other planners.

We definitely want to stay on a resort. I need to do plenty of more research on that because the research Ive done is conflicting since it is all mixed reviews! We got plenty of time for all that.

Eeeeeek!!!! This is so exciting. I can not wait till Grant and I make our trip to Florida to become Mr and Mrs. Grant Goulet :) Its going to be an amazing time :)

1 comment:

megan said...

yay!!! :) so glad you're making progress. let me know if you need any help!