Saturday, December 6, 2008

Domestic Diva

I'm pretty impressed with what I got accomplished today. I woke up this morning to a nice layer of snow on the ground. And the snow didn't let up till just a few hours ago! So I took full advantage of a snow day. I enjoyed some morning web surfing, and than before I got sucked in to a day on the laptop I started on some housework.

Dishes, cleaned out the fridge, started the laundry, cleaned the bathroom, swept the kitchen and stairs, dusted the living room, vacuumed, and than cleaned up the bedroom. Phew! Dont you just love sitting down and admiring your hard work and clean house? Or is that just me? :)

I actually fit in coloring my hair in between all that to. I went back to red, but it didnt turn out like I thought it would. But I always think that the first day I color it. lol I have used this red for years, and about 6 months ago went back a to a darker brown. But I needed a change, so back to va va voom red it is :) And Grant said that was his favorite color, so that helps an indecisive girl like me make a final decision! Now if we could decided on wedding details that easy. :p

I decided to go thrifting after that, and scored some great buys! There were some vultures at the store though, but I didnt let them pushing me out of the way get to me. The roads were horrendous . And the snow was still coming down when I came home. But Grant and I decided to head out to Olive Garden for dinner. I overstuffed myself and am now falling asleep in the recliner. HA I really know how to party like a rockstar eh?

I know the weekends are going to get a little busy in the next few weeks, and than starting school after that will lead to not having to much downtime on my hands. So Ill enjoy it while its here :)

1 comment:

Sabs said...

I was just thinking today how good it feels to clean your house and to sit down afterwards to "admire" it!