Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Health Woes

So its no secret that I have some pretty bad health problems. All which mostly steam from my thyroid disease. I have an autoimmune thyroid disease so my immune system isnt the strongest. Which results in getting sick quite often. Lately I dont think I have been taking good care of myself either. There are things I can do that will only help me, but lately I seem to do the exact opposite.

Before we left for the wedding I got a sinus infection. Im pretty sure it was from the crazy drinking at my bachelorette party, and being out in the rain with out a jacket didnt help. I got some antibiotics right away and was feeling better by the time we got to Florida. I was great all during Florida. I had one day where my stomach didnt cooperate. I have been known to have GI issues, but after going to a GI doctor they said it was related to my thyroid. I think its a little bit of both. The day we got back to Michigan I felt a sore throat, and sure enough when I woke up the next day I felt like crap. Sinus infection was back, sore throat, cough, chills, and sweats. It felt like the flu but without the vomiting. I went back to the doctor and got another round of antibiotics. It was a good week before I started feeling better. One day during that week I even starting vomiting. Nothing like taking off 2.5 weeks from work, and than coming back for a few days and calling in sick. What can you do though?

I started feeling better a few days ago, and now Im having some weird GI issues. Its around the same time every day for the last 3 days. I start getting a really bad headache, and than my stomach has sharp pains, and ends in diarrhea. (Sorry if thats TMI) I did take a pill for my back yesterday and some Excedrin migraine, and I wonder if I had some reaction to those....

Than again I get these symptoms when my thyroid levels drop extremely low. Which is a huge possibility that is what is happening now. I know my body, and can usually tell where my levels are based on my symptoms. I have really been trying to give Armour thyroid the benefit of the doubt for almost 9 months now...its not working. I know it has to do with the reformation of the pills that took place around April. My symptoms have really went crazy since than. I have my quarterly appointment with my endocrinologist tomorrow so I think I may see if he will switch me back to the synthetic t3 and t4 meds. Those worked for me before, and right now I need something to make me feel better. The fatigue is unbearable.

You really dont realize how much you take your health for granted, until you have to deal with such extreme health issues. Most of the time I dont know if its thyroid related or mental health related. Given the last couples years Ive gone through, it could be a little bit of both. The symptoms are so common that its so hard to decipher.

I just want to feel better. Its so easy to fall into bad habits. But ultimately I control those habits, so I can only blame myself for making me feeling even worse than I already do. They thyroid disease doesn't need any help with more negative symptoms! So enough is enough. I owe it to my health to make smart, healthy, positive choices. Even though some of those choices may seem small to me, every little action helps.

In the meantime, I will continue to self manage my thyroid disease. I am on the look now for another endocrinologist. One that takes time with their patients, and LISTENS. I will continue to see my nutritionist/holistic doctor. And most of all continue to keep researching! Im going on 3 years now battling my thyroid....Im not giving up now!

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