Monday, November 30, 2009


So I have things I want to talk about, but cant really bring myself to talk about them yet. Still gathering and trying to process my thoughts. Or maybe Im just ashamed and dont want to put it out there. Not yet. I will soon though.

What I will blog about is that I need change in my life. In many areas. Im not happy with the person I am. I know I have so much more potential but love to hold myself back. Fear often feels like it controls my life. Im so over fear.

I also want to be a good wife to my husband. He deserves a good wife, and the person I am right now is a mess. Next up will be motherhood, and I definitely want to be a good mom. Im so fearful of being a bad wife and mom. See fear...again. So its time to make some changes. It may take some time, but my life needs an overhaul. Its going to be a long process, that may be overwhelmingly difficult at times....but its very much needed.

Lets hope I can find the strength to begin and stick with this process. Now this feels all over the you can see I have a lot going on in my head right now. A lot that is hard for me to put into words right now....

1 comment:

TeamBrown said...

Grace. Allow yourself to be pardoned by grace for all your shortcomings. We are all falling short of our potential. But grace (unearned mercy) allows us to be our flawed selves and still be worthy of love.
You are amazing and will be a great wife and some-day-mother.