Thursday, February 26, 2009

What Does It Take?

Im falling down a slippery slope again. Ive been down this road before, many many times before. I knew it was coming, but still didnt prepare for it. I was doing so well, and feeling so great...that I knew it was going to hit me soon. What does it take to get back on track? What does it take to stay on track?

I would say that I feel off the wagon probably about two weeks ago. Right around Valentines Day. It was the monthly anniversary of my dads passing, which Im noticing hits me a few days after that actual day. And Valentines day reminded me of him since the Dirty Show was in town. Its this art show he would go to every year. Grant and I have been going through a rough patch as well, and things were pretty tense in the household. Im also finding it really hard to fall into a schedule that works for me. With school, studying, work, lia sophia shows, dogs, Grant, and my social life...I just cant fit everything in. I need to re-evaluate that as well...

So of course what did I do? Eat whatever the hell I wanted. Stopped exercising. Because that will always help my situation right? *smacks myself upside the head* Exercising and eating healthy are positives in any situation, especially in situations like Ive recently been having. I know that, but why cant I get it? Its like I love to self sabotage myself because I dont think I dont deserve it or something.

So now my weight is right back up to where I was January 1st. Nice. Im still eating fast food daily, drinking way to much pop, and eating sweets like they are going out of style. I need to stop this madness. Now. I think about going wedding dress shopping (I even found my dream dress!), yet that is still not a motivator to me? Its in 7 months which is not a long time! Is anything a motivator? Doesnt seem like it.

My plan to run in the half marathon flying pig is thrown out the window. I just dont want the stress of the training plan right now, and not sure if I could fit in runs as often as Id like. Im on the look for another race, maybe just a 10k? I need the accountability, and running is the one cardio I stick with. Im hoping once this LA Fitness opens that will help to, but the date keeps getting moved back. Which is pretty frustrating. Now the open date is March 7th. Originally it was February 16th.

This is my cry for help.


Kat said...

I'm sorry you're having such a rough time right now. I'm having trouble staying on track with eating and exercise too, and I just started back at school. I know how hard it can be to balance your schedule and still put effort into food and workouts. It'll take some time, but I know you'll figure it out. Don't be so hard on yourself, you have a lot on your plate right now, and you need to give yourself time to figure it out!

megan said...


You can do this. There is no time like the present to start. The very next decision you make can be a small step in the right direction. Grab a water instead of a pop. Pretzels instead of chips. Walk instead of the elevator.
As my beloved Madonna sings in one of the songs on my running mix, "why put off till tomorrow what you can do today?"

The Columbus Half Marathon also has a 5K. It's the same weekend as the Pig. I'm sure there's local races closer to you too, now that spring is almost here.

I'm sorry things are kind of rough right now, but you WILL get through it. :)

Red Poppies said...

Baby steps! Don't think too much about making everything come together all at once - that's so overwhelming. Just focus on what you can do, right now, and I promise you'll feel more empowered to keep doing it, over and over.

One more thing - can you cut back on one or two areas until you get back on track? Be kind to yourself...hugs!!

Sabs said...

Start now, work on your eating, take a walk each day and work on establishing good habits!