Monday, June 15, 2009

Stay At Home Mom Test Drive

So I would say that Im getting a test drive of being a stay at home mom this week. Day 1 would definitely be a failure! LOL

I woke up early this morning to take Bandito in for surgery. First I was surprised by Rusty shitting all over the living room, including inside my running shoes. Not a happy mommie AT ALL! So after gagging cleaning that up, I had to get Bandito to the vet. Poor guy had no idea what he was in for! I got a little emotional dropping him off, which I didnt expect. But he is the baby, and this was his first time being under, so I was a little nervous. I planned on coming home and going back to bed...but that didnt really work out to well. I wanted to try to file my unemployment claim first. Of course that didnt go as easy as I thought it would. Of course after I got all my stuff together and sat down I found out 10 minutes later it was a no go. I wasnt able to file online, and have to call on Wednesday. I wasnt actually tired enough to go back to bed after all that, so just stayed up. But Rusty and Vinyl were already tucked back in bed. LOL

The rest of my day basically was a little bit like the web, watch daytime TV, surf the web, find something to eat, surf the web, chat online with friends, surf the web, watch some more tv, etc. Yeah talk about being a lazy ass. Before I knew it, it was 4pm and I had to go pick up Bandito. LOL And oh poor, poor, Bandito. He was so out of it. He was walking into stuff when we got home, and would not lay down for nothing. He was whining because he was in so much pain. I felt awful. Finally I got him to lay down for a little while, and I kept petting him till he fell asleep. It appeared it hurt to lay down a certain way to. The worse feeling ever is not being able to make your doggie feel better!

I ended up watching Forgetting Sarah Marshall, which I enjoyed, and than Daddy came home! I told you it was like a stay at home mom. So Grant cut our jungle of a backyard, while I tried out a new recipe for dinner. Just a Mexican Pork Chop recipe. You just add salsa and cheese on top of the pork chops for the last 10 minutes. It was delish! Oh should I mention that Rusty shit again in the middle of making dinner. Yeah. I dont know what his deal is but hes really starting to piss me off.

Now all the kids are relaxing, sort of. Bandito keeps wandering around like hes going to miss out on something. But bedtime is a brewing so he should be relaxing soon to. Hopefully tomorrow I can be a little more productive. I guess I dont get the mom of the year award?

I deserve a few days of do nothing at all though. Hopefully that will bring my stress levels down. But dont we all deserve a day like that? I did break out in another annoying hive today but I think that was mostly due to Bandito having surgery.

Bedtime is calling. Sweet dreams blogworld.

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

I'm so sorry that Bandito has to go through this. But your such a great fur-mama!

By the way - thanks for linking my blog. I'm going to add you to my reader so I can keep up with the latest and greatest.