Wednesday, June 17, 2009

New Blog Design

Why is it so painful to find a new blog design? I was getting tired of the old one, and thought maybe a new design would make me want to blog more. LOL

So I changed it 3 times. Which can get annoying since I change the fonts and colors, which seems like the hardest part. The easiest part is given to me by the great website, They always have great new designs. Thank you!

So I would change it, than come to blog and, no, no. That does NOT work! When all fails I always go back to polka dots. Its my weakness. Same thing happened with my wedding dress ;)

I know this is such an exciting entry. Just wanted to throw a shout to to one of my favorite websites :) Now time to be productive....

1 comment:

Ashley said...

I love that site too, and it's where I found my layout. Love it!!

Glad to see you're back to blogging, by the way.